Anyone who didn’t know better would honestly think butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth, but we’ve already seen enough horny newcomer Joshua Levy to realize he’s a hot little fucker. What’s more, give him a bottle of oil and he seems to get even more excited – as is quickly becoming evident here. The fact is, this is a boy who’s completely in tune with his body and the pleasure it can give him; and adding a little lube only serves to take his lovemaking into the stratosphere. Fuck man, he simply can’t leave his beautiful wand alone; and it’s no wonder he’ll soon be living the fantasy of unwinding on the couch with straddling favorite Milan Sharp. That said, it’s clearly Levy’s knob that’s the focal point of this encounter, with Sharp getting off to a quick start by eagerly savoring every inch of hard flesh the guy can muster. In fairness, Levy later returns the favor; but there’s simply no denying the fact that Sharp is turned on to the max here and won’t be truly satisfied until he’s rolling on Levy’s schlong for all it’s worth. Suffice it to say that the introduction of a little oil into Sharp’s hungry hole only serves to ratchet up the tension even further, and it’s almost with palpable relief that he finally yields his fold to his incorrigible buddy. Cue a truly great fuck session that sees Sharp play his inner bitch; before nature finally gets the better of him and he throws a wad of almost ungodly cum on his belly. That just leaves Sharp with the task of providing an open mouth for Levy’s own eruption!